Effects on the human body
Not only stress alleviation and relaxation enhancement but also various effects have been reported.
1. Reported by our customers (Extracts from testimonials)
Category | Testimonials |
Sleep well | ·I could sleep well from the first night with this bracelet!
·It seems he has a good sleep because he no longer says "I cannot sleep well."
·I can sleep well and I no longer run to the bathroom!
·I could sleep well on the 1st night!
·Because I can sleep well!
·It is quiet and I can sleep well as the autonomic nervous system is working properly!
·I can sleep well because the symptoms have been alleviated since I installed the negative ion generator!
·Odors are gone. It helps me to sleep well and reduce fatigue!
·I can sleep well and wake up refreshed!
·Happy to be able to sleep well!
·It helps me to sleep well!
·I could not fall asleep well because of the dry air but now not only I can fall asleep fast but also I do not wake up in the middle of night!
Fall asleep | ·I can relax and fall asleep quickly when it is close to my face!
·I feel something like gentle breeze which smells good. I fall asleep as soon as I feel the breeze!
·I could not fall asleep well because of the dry air but now not only I can fall asleep fast but also I do not wake up in the middle of night!
·I now enjoy a good sleep, fall asleep in about 10 minutes and less frequently wake up!
Deep sleep | ·They had deep sleep and felt refreshed in the morning!
·My mother is happy because she has a deep sleep!
·I can have a deep sleep!
·Good deep sleep!
·I no longer have migraine and enjoy a deep sleep!
·I feel warm and I can have a deep sleep!
·I even failed to wake up on time due to deep sleep!
Fatigue | ·It does relieve fatigue!
·Odors are gone. It helps me to sleep well and reduce fatigue!
·Symptoms of chronic fatigue were alleviated!
Less stress | ·I now get less stressed along with improved concentration!
·I get less stressed when I get stuck in a traffic jam!
·I get less stressed with this compact ion generator!
·I am glad that they feel less stressed!
·I soon felt lighter and less stress!
Relax | ·I feel comfortable with no sneezing and relax with negative ions!
·I can relax and fall asleep quickly when it is close to my face!
·I can relax with negative ions!
·I feel more relaxed and alert with the IONION on in the car!
·Tourmaline bathing is relaxing and makes my skin feel so much more comfortable!
·I feel I relax a lot in the room!
·I feel not only less tired but also feel the fresh air and relaxation effects! I made the right purchase!
·It helps me to breath and enhances relaxation!
·The mild water is gentle to the skin. I can relax and enjoy sweating!
·It works better than I expected. The negative ions remove cigarette smoke and help me to relax and concentrate on work!
Refresh | ·I feel so refreshed in the morning after having a sound sleep!
·I can sleep soundly and I also feel refreshed during the day hours!
·Now I sleep soundly and better thanks to the refreshing air filling my room!
·The musty smell has gone, I am refreshed too!
·I not only felt warm but also so refreshed when I woke up the next morning!
·They had deep sleep and felt refreshed in the morning!
·I now wake up refreshed and recharged!
·I feel refreshed and my nose does not run in the room where the Ion House is installed!
·I feel the cool air in the room and odors are gone. I have a good sleep and wake up refreshed!
·I wake up refreshed on the 1st morning after I installed the Ion House in my bedroom!
·I wake up very refreshed the following day after absorbing negative ions all day long!
·The day after I installed the Ion House, he woke up refreshed in the morning because he finally had a good sleep with no nasal congestion!
·I can sleep well and wake up refreshed!
·I wake up refreshed and feel good even when I sleep an hour shorter than usual because I can sleep deeply!
·I wake up refreshed in the morning and my body is more flexible even after sleeping shorter hours!
·I started to wake up very refreshed a week or two later. Now I enjoy healthy life!
Concentrate | ·He says he can concentrate on his study and have a better sleep!
·My headache and stiffness of the shoulder were subsided, my ability to concentrate was enhanced and my hay fever was improved!
·It removes cigarette smoke, works for migraine and neck stiffness and improves my ability to concentrate!
·It works better than I expected. The negative ions remove cigarette smoke and help me to relax and concentrate on work!
Migraine | ·Migraines and shoulder stiffness for many years are now all gone!
·My migraine has gone and my body feels more flexible than before!
·I no longer have migraine and enjoy a deep sleep!
·It removes cigarette smoke, works for migraine and neck stiffness and improves my ability to concentrate!
Headache | ·I am very happy with it because I no longer have a headache. Thank you!
·My headache caused by shoulder stiffness has been reduced!
·Her headache has gone since she started to wear it!
·I was so surprised not to get a headache when I took a nap with the Ion House
·My headache and stiffness of the shoulder were subsided, my ability to concentrate was enhanced and my hay fever was improved!
·The headache was relieved by the next morning and the air became mild!
·Mr. K whose desk is next to mine got flu and I also started to feel dull with a minor headache. It is true I got well with no doctor/medication!
Shoulder stiffness | ·Migraines and shoulder stiffness for many years are now all gone!
·I think shoulder stiffness has been reduced!
·His shoulder stiffness has subsided since he started to wear it!
·My headache caused by shoulder stiffness has been reduced!
·My shoulder stiffness improved, I am very satisfied!
·It does alleviate my persistent neck and shoulder stiffness and aching!
Back pain | ·A friend of mine, who has back pain, asked me to get one for him!
·I was half in doubt about negative ion effects but soon found the pain was completely gone. Great for back pain!
·It relieves stiffness of the neck and back pain!
·I found I had a better sleep on the 3rd day. My wife has back pain. The pain is almost gone in an hour!
·My back pain has been reduced!
Rheumatism | ·I have rheumatism. Swelling of the joints is almost gone and the skin color has returned to normal!
Blood circulation | ·This ring helps to relieve neck stiffness and improve blood circulation!
·It improves blood circulation of feet!
· I am happy because it improves blood circulation and I sweat more!
·It improves blood circulation of the neck and the stiffness has improved!
·Not only he but also I enjoy the hot spring, which makes me warm and improves blood circulation!
Nasal | ·The day after I installed the Ion House, he woke up refreshed in the morning because he finally had a good sleep with no nasal congestion!
Skin | ·It makes the whole body warm and I feel good after having a bath with improved skin conditions!
·Makes the body warm and great for skin!
· The water is soft and the skin is smooth!
·Makes my skin smooth with no damage as the powder particles are small!
·My skin stays soft after washing. It also alleviates itching caused by inflammation!
·I sometimes apply it to my elbow as the skin is dry. It becomes smooth in a few days!
·I found the skin was smooth and moist!
·The gel mixed with skin lotion makes my skin moist and smooth!
·My skin is soft and shiny!
·My sensitive skin hasn't experienced any problems since I started to use it!
·The skin not only stays soft and shines but also is gradually turning white!
·I found my skin became softer. I like the fine lather!
·Suits my sensitive skin while other soaps including expensive branded ones can damage the skin!
·Good for my sensitive skin. It doesn't cause a rash!
·I am really impressed with how much foam rubbing the soap in the net makes! My skin feels so much better!
·Tourmaline bathing is relaxing and makes my skin feel so much more comfortable!
·I have rheumatism. Swelling of the joints is almost gone and the skin color has returned to normal!
·I now sleep more deeply than before. My wife is also happy because her skin condition is better now!
·It was not so effective as he expected but we enjoy the smooth skin after tourmaline bathing!
·The mild water is gentle to the skin. I can relax and enjoy sweating!
2. Reported in books/literature
Negative ion effects reported in medical literature |
High blood pressure | Low blood pressure |
Pulse rate | Arteriosclerosis |
Rheumatism | Multiple sclerosis |
Sleeping disorder | Migraine |
Epilepsy | Bronchial asthma |
Menopausal disorder | Stress |
3. Quoted by researchers in the field of negative ions
Category | Negative ion | Positive ion
| General | Tranquilization | Stimulation |
Inducement of sleep | Disturbance of sleep |
Subsidence of pain | Headache |
Appetite stimulation | Uncomfortable feeling |
Blood pressure | Down | Up |
Pulse rate | Down | Up |
Respiration | Stabilized | Stimulated |
Capillary vessels | Expand | Shrink |
Blood sugar levels | Down | Up |
Blood lactic acid levels | Down to normal quickly | Down to normal slowly |
Artificial anemia | Restoration effect | Significant restoration effect |
Serum surface tension | Up | Down |
Blood oxygen level | Down | Up |
Oxygen consumption | Down | Up |
Diuresis | Stimulated | Inhibited |
Urine nitrogen level | Up | Down |
Bowel movement | | Constipated |
Fatigue | Prevented | Worsened |
Recovery stimulated | Recovery delayed |
Bone growth | Positive effect | Negative effect |
Experimental scurvy | Prevented | Stimulated |
Recovery stimulated | Recovery delayed |
Reference: Air ion and life, The negative ion research association |
Effects on the air
Negative ions remove dust and particles. This is why air purifiers and negative ion generators purify the air.
Reported by our customers (Extracts from testimonials)
Effects on animals and vegetation
Negative ions stimulate growth and extend life spans of animals and vegetation and thus contribute to improved productivity, which has been utilized by many companies.
Effects on fresh foodstuffs
Negative ions are used to maintain freshness of fish, meat, vegetables and fruits, which has been utilized by many companies.