
Conditions of generation

Air ions in the atmosphere are generated in various ways. While new ions are generated some cease to exist in order to maintain a certain balance.

(1) Humidity
As referred on "Examples of air ions", ionized molecules combine with water molecules (drops of water) in the air. When humidity is extremely high the number of air ions decreases as drops of water merge to form a fewer number of drops. When humidity is low air ions decrease because of a fewer number of drops of water as a result of evaporation.

Thus, high or low humidity is not an ideal condition for air ion generation. It is said that relative humidity of 40 to 60% is best.

(2) Temperature
Some research shows that positive ions increase as temperature rises while other research shows that negative ions are generated when the surface of the earth is heated and water evaporates. It seems ion generation has no particular tendencies regarding temperature variables.

(3) Pressure
Pressure changes have more effect on ion generation than absolute pressure values. When atmospheric pressure drops radioactive substances are drawn out of the ground to form negative ions.

(4) Wind
Negative ions are generated when a cluster of water molecules in the air is dispersed by winds. This is one of the reasons why fresh air makes you feel better when ventilating a room.

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