
Negative ion count (angled directions)

It is ideal if negative ions spread in every direction. If very few negative ions can be detected in angled directions, the ion generator is just wasting electricity.

Negative ion count (angled directions)

Negative ion count (angled directions) - (Extract from "Pay attention to specifications")
Specification item Example Importance
Negative ion count (angled directions) 500,000(pcs/cc in 30 degrees at 2m)
150,000(pcs/cc in 90 degrees at 2.5m)
10,000(pcs/cc in 180 degrees at 1m)

Ion counts in angled directions show you "How widely negative ions spread out".

Ion count info in angled directions is a very important factor to choose the right negative ion generator but very few manufacturers disclose it.

If very few negative ions can be detected in angled directions, the ion generator is just wasting electricity.

We suggest you should pay attention on how widely negative ions spread out.

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