
Negative ion count (blow off direction)

A maximum coverage area is just for your reference because it is decided by the manufacturer with no industry standard. We suggest you should choose the negative ion generator which covers the widest area possible.

Negative ion count (blow off direction)

Negative ion count (blow off direction) - (Extract from "Pay attention to specifications")
Specification item Example Importance
Negative ion count (blow off direction) 20,000,000(pcs/cc at 0cm)
1,000,000(pcs/cc at 50cm)
700,000(pcs/cc at 100cm)

Ion counts show you "How far negative ions travel".
You cannot evaluate performance of negative ion generators without negative ion count information.

It is possible that some million negative ion molecules are detected at the blow off point but very few can be detected at 50/100/200cm away.

If only less than 2,000-3,000 (pcs/cc at 1m) negative ions can be detected, the performance of the ion generator is not good and it is only good for mobile or other special use.

Not only ion counts in the blow off direction but also those in angled directions (found on the next page) are an important factor.

Ion Trading
The industry's highest performance negative ion generator
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