
Pay attention to specifications

Many negative ion generators manufactured by various manufacturers are found on the market. Many of them do not provide detailed specifications. Here you find the specification items you have to pay attention to.

Pay attention to specifications

The more information the better
Some manufacturers provide detailed specifications, while others do not. Here are the specification items required to evaluate performance of negative ion generators.

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Specification item Example Importance
Negative ion count (blow off direction) 20,000,000(pcs/cc at 0cm)
1,000,000(pcs/cc at 50cm)
700,000(pcs/cc at 100cm)
Negative ion count (angled directions) 500,000(pcs/cc in 30 degrees at 2m)
150,000(pcs/cc in 90 degrees at 2.5m)
10,000(pcs/cc in 180 degrees at 1m)
Maximum coverage area 40 m2 (430 ft2) High
Life span 5 years+ High
Safety measures Safety circuit, Ozone/EMI suppression High
Purification capability 90% of 0.3micron particles removed in 2 hours High
Stable performance Designed to maintain performance under extreme conditions Middle to High
Life span of ionizing needles 5 years+ Middle
Positive ion counts 0(pcs/cc) Middle
Ozone production 0.001ppm or less Middle
Test operation Comes with the ion detector for test operation Middle
Maintenance Cleaning of the ionizing needles Middle
Purchase of consumables Not needed Middle
Wind noise generation No noise due to no fan Middle
Specification item Example Importance

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